Sunday, 4 November 2012


Autumn is truly in the air today, bringing promises of Christmas and all the majesty of Winter. The thought of a new season brought me here to my first ever blog, in which I wish to share all I find beautiful in the world (predominately my daughter, cupcakes & fashion).

Since having my daughter a year ago, my life has changed irrevocably. I all too suddenly found myself reading parenting books instead of Vogue and had exchanged my beloved Mulberry bag for a not so appetising 'nappy' bag without even blinking an eye. 
At first, I found it hard to adjust to the fact that I was a mother and (more recently) a wife. It's hard to give-way to the person you once were, to become someone people rely on completely, no matter what you're wearing or what your make up looks like. For so long I missed the pure indulgence of dressing up and getting irrationally excited about my latest fashion find.
However,  after taking a long hard look at myself I decided that just because I have become a mother (to my beloved Deedee) it doesn't need to to change who I am; what I love.

This blog will hopefully allow me to indulge in all my greatest loves.


Love till next time -  L&L x

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