Thursday, 18 April 2013

The Liebster Award. Yes. An actual Award.

So. The very lovely blogger man over at The Secret Father has nominated me for the Liebster award. Which is quite frankly, very exciting. So thank you. I mean it.

"The Liebster Award is for bloggers with under 200 followers and the rules of the award is that the nominee must link back to whoever awarded them, write 11 random facts about themselves, answer the 11 questions from the award giver, and then nominate another 11 bloggers and make up 11 questions for them to answer. It's a great way for new and undiscovered bloggers to meet new people, get more followers and find some blogs that they want to follow."

So. here are my little factoids. 11 of them.

1. I like eating the insides of Walnut Whips then discard the chocolate. And the Walnut.
2. I hate frogs. 
3. I hate toads (sensing a theme here).
4. I love to bake. Mostly cupcakes.
5. I only eat the pink Fondant Fancies.
6. I hate it when people read over my shoulder.
7. My secret (well, it was..) crush is Alan Rickman. 
8. I have read the Harry Potter books about 5 gazillion times. (Slight exaggeration).
9. I love watching Masterchef. 
10. My daughter is my favourite person in the whole world. 
11. Blogging is becoming an obsession. 

Next! Here are my 11 questions to answer. 

1.Which of your blog posts is your personal favourite? 

I would have to say my Mothers Day post. I love it because it really sums up the way I feel about my daughter and Mum. I also think that other mothers (and fathers!) will be able to find a little of themselves in that post. 

2. Unicorns or Zombies?

Unicorns. Duh! They're in Harry Potter.

3. Name one other blog post from another blogger that has really inspired you.

There are loads. However, all though this is cheating I would have to say any blog over the past few months by Edspire. Jennie is a true inspiration. She has blogged through the heartbreak of losing a child and I can only thank her for the strength she has given to me, and all her other blogging companions through her beautiful words. 

4. If you could possess one superpower for one day, what would it be and why?

Time turning. So that I could go and tell my teenage self to stop worrying and start living. 

5. Describe yourself in 20 words or less.

Creative, loud, mis-understood, loving, faithful, blessed.

6. If you started/owned your own country what would be your top 3 principals of constitution?

  • Everyone must start and finish the day by paying themselves a compliment in the mirror.
  • Everyone must allow for other peoples differences and always be kind. 
  • Cyclists would have their own roads. (Safety first!)

7. What three things would you tell your 18 year old self, with the benefit of hindsight?

  • He will hurt you, but don't worry - you are to be loved.
  • Don't drink Tia Maria.
  • Don't go to University just because someone else says you should - follow your heart.
8. What is the best joke you ever heard / can remember? 

Three men walk into a bar.....

Seriously... I'm crap at jokes.

9. What is your earliest childhood memory?

Making clothes for my Barbies out of my Mum's tights.

10. What is your favourite month and why? 

September. It is the month my daughter was born.

11. Favourite ever holiday and why?

St Lucia. Our first holiday away as a family. The Caribbean laid back attitude is so relaxing. I could have stayed on Sugar Beach forever. 

And.... here are my 11 questions. 

1. Outdoors or indoors?
2. What is your most favourite blog post and why?
3. Favourite smell?
4. What is the place in which you feel most happy?
5. Daddy or chips?
6. At what time of day do you usually blog?
7. Favourite blog post you have read in the last week?
8. Favourite quote?
9. If you could make your own flavour of crisps, what would it be and why?
10. If you could wake up anywhere tomorrow, where would it be?
11. If you had a time machine, where would you go and why?

I have chosen my nominations of fellow bloggers carefully. I wanted to choose blogs that I do read and have made an emotional impact on me. These lovely bloggers make me laugh and cry and smile more than they will ever know. Thank you. (I know there are only 10!)

1.   (I know you nominated me! But I just wanted to show my appreciation!

Thank you all -  and Thanks again to The Secret Father for kindly nominating me.

Love till next time -  L&L xx


  1. Wow! Thank you so much! That really is lovely of you, I shall get working on my post xx

    Just Pirouette and Carry On...

  2. P.S Love that you asked Daddy or chips! I am always asking my daughter that ;)

  3. This is so lovely. Thank you for nominating me, I feel very touched.

    I love your Bio too - 'the best adventures found at the bottom of a teacup' - just brill xx
