Friday, 5 April 2013


So, after a few, hard, painful silent weeks, I have returned. I will explain the hows and whys of my short blogging absence in another post. But to ease be back in, I am doing a Listography post to linky up with another lovely blog -  Kate takes 5.

I have never done this before so please bear with me.

The theme of Kate's Listography post : 5 Things that are better than One Direction. Things that your children are yet to learn about the world.

Here are mine for Dee:

1. The first time you really find something you LOVE to do. Finding horse riding was a revelation for me. I was never particularly good at sports at school - always being last to be picked for anything (groan, sigh). However, soon after my first riding lesson, I knew I had fallen in love with something I was finally good at. I hope you find something that fills you with as much joy and fulfilment.

2. First Love. Beautiful, irrational and more often than not, short-lived. However, it's the sort of irrationality that I would never want you to miss out on.

3. Lasting Friendship. I hope you find friends that span your whole lifetime. That you love, admire and care for as much as I love mine. Friendship is the key to a happy life.

4. Your first sip of alcohol, how good it feels at the time, how bad it feels in the morning. A late teenage right. Please be clear, avoid Tia Maria and I will not be cleaning up after your hangover. Always drink responsibly...

5. Welcoming your own child into the world. The indescribable feeling of wonderment and complete love.

These are the things I hope you come to learn are better than One Direction, or in your case, Peppa Pig.

Love till next time, L&L xx


  1. How lovely! All great choices, especially like the finding your good at something one. So glad you eased back to your blog with me :)

  2. I'm just back to blogging to and like you thought this was a good one to ease back in with. Lasting friendships are so important, today we did a 10 mile bike ride with one of my oldest friends, we met aged 3 at pkaygroup went right through school and sixth firm together and were bridesmaids for each other. Her daughter and my son are now best friends and going through school together!

    1. Aww that is so lovely. My friendships are my life. :)

  3. Definitely with you on three and five. It took me until I was 30 before I could tolerate the taste of alcohol!

    1. Yeah.. Im still not over my late-teen Tia-Maria incident!

  4. Perfect list, quite agree on all counts!

    1. Why thank you very much. Nice to see people reading and commenting! Bit of a newbie :)
